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- V E R S I O N 2 . 0
- January 15, 1995
- Thanks for downloading my model of the Babylon 5 Space Station for
- Amiga LightWave 3.x/4.x AND all ported versions* of LightWave includ-
- ing those that use the 8.3 filename format. Yep! You can unarchive
- and use this on MS-DOS systems!
- * when available.
- This archive contains version 2.0 of my hand made model of the Babylon
- 5 space station as seen on Paramount's science fiction series by the
- same name. In comparison to my "beta" 1.0, this version has 11 authen-
- tic-looking texture, color, and panel maps that really make this model
- look nearly indistinguishable from Foundation Imaging's actual model.
- All "buggy," missing, and mis-named polygons have been corrected as
- well as having several wireframing tweeks applied.
- I designed B5 to be as correct in FORM as possible, thus it is a true
- 5 miles long (8.1 Km). However, it does not exactly match the origin-
- al in every possible detail or size proportion (How could it!? All I
- had was a collection of B5 LW scenes that I pulled and edited together
- from about a dozen episodes and then went through frame-by-frame
- in order to see B5 from almost every possible angle). At any rate, I
- believe that you'll agree that my B5 still commands a very high degree
- of accuracy. I wonder what'll happen when Ron Thorton and the crew at
- Foundation Imaging get this? (Don't hurt me! I'll work for $$) <grin>
- I designed B5 from the very start using maximum polygon and point re-
- duction techniques to make the object files as small as possible, yet
- as detailed as possible so that RAM starved systems (like our 8 fast/2
- chip A2000) would be able to load the ENTIRE model without running too
- short on memory. Well, I take that back. I can't render the whole
- thing using ray-traced OR shadow mapped shadows without going out of
- memory now that image maps have been added. That's why I modeled B5 in
- 18 parts. Five of them are nothing but the minute details that gobble
- up a lot of polygon and point memory and are visable only in close-up
- and can be eliminated from the scene to save memory when the whole
- station is viewed at a distance.
- As with my other B5 related models (JumpGate/vortex, Vorlon ship, and
- Blue Nebula), enclosed is a complete model of Babylon 5 itself total-
- ing some 34,000 polygons, 51,000 some-odd points, and 105 surfaces,
- fully assembled and parented via the included "Load It ALL Up For Me,
- Please" scene file.
- The following original and unaltered files are contained in this arc-
- hive DIRECT from the author, which supercedes previous versions:
- (*.lwo=LightWaveObject; *.col=color detail IFF; *.map=texture IFF)
- BABYLON5.DOC - This document and copyright info.
- B5-Statn.scn - A "Load it ALL up for me, please" scene file.
- CDBayRng.lwo - Rotating Central Docking Bay hub or ring,
- parented to Sphere1.lwo (re-modeled for 2.0).
- CDockBay.lwo - Rotating Central Docking Bay, including CNC
- (Command and Control), parented to Sphere1.lwo
- CobraBay.lwo - Cobra Bays (x4) where Starfury's are lunched
- from, parented to Sphere2.lwo
- CBDtails.lwo * - Cobra Bay details for use in close-ups,
- parented to CobraBay.lwo
- Collectr.lwo - Solar Collector Panels (x12) and support arms
- (x2), parented to EndSectn.lwo
- CylDtail.lwo * - Detailing (x4) on the cylindrical interconnect
- between spheres 1 and 2, parented to Sphere1.lwo
- Elevator.lwo - Elevators (x4) that connect to CylDtail.lwo
- and Sphere2.lwo, parented to Sphere2.lwo
- (re-modeled for version 2.0).
- EndSectn.lwo - Stationary End Section, bearing point for the
- rear end of the Mid Section and where solar
- collector support arms, reactor, and rear super-
- structure are attached, parented to Null Object.
- FSupStr.lwo - Front Superstructure that bridges sphere 1
- and 2 and contains the Upper Docking Bay, par-
- ented to Null Object.
- MidDtail.lwo * - Close-up detailing for the station's rotating
- Mid Section, parented to MidSectn.lwo
- MidSectn.lwo - Rotating Mid Section between Sphere2.lwo and
- EndSectn.lwo (now smoother than version 1.0),
- parented to Null Object.
- Pylon.lwo - Stationary front bearing point and pylon support
- for the front superstructure, parented to
- FSupStr.lwo
- Reactor.lwo - Stationary power generation assembly connected
- (and parented) to the station's end section.
- RSupStr.lwo - Rear Superstructure that bridges sphere 2 and
- the end section, parented to Null Object.
- S1Window.lwo * - Protruding window details for Sphere1.lwo,
- parented to same.
- S2Window.lwo * - Protruding window details for Sphere2.lwo,
- parented to same.
- Sphere1.lwo - Smaller front rotating sphere, Central Docking
- Bay connects to this thru the front superstruc-
- ture pylon, parented to Sphere2.lwo (now twice
- as smooth as version 1.0)
- Sphere2.lwo - Rotating middle half-sphere, Cobra Bays and
- Elevators attach here, parented to MidSectn.lwo
- (also reworked for smoothness and accuracy).
- * close-up detail parts that can be eliminated for whole station views.
- B5Panel1.map - 16-step gray scale general panels for Diffuse
- and Spec mapping on many flat and detail sur-
- faces.
- B5Panel2.map - Same as above, but for added variety.
- GrayPtrn.map - 16-step gray Dif/Spec of the pattern applied to
- gray front and rear edge bands of each sphere.
- Blue1&2.map - 16-step gray Dif/Spec map for the front and
- rear blue bands on sphere's 1 & 2.
- Blue1&2.col - Matching blue decal for above map.
- Blue3&4.map - Same as Blue1&2.map but for the two types of
- Mid section blue bands.
- Blue3.col - Matching type 1 blue decal for above.
- Blue4.col - Matching type 2 blue decal for above.
- CobraDrs.col - Decal of the Cobra Bay Starfury doors (instead
- of more polys <grin>).
- Squares.map - 16-step gray Dif/Spec of the panels for the
- blue checkerboard band on sphere 1 and used
- elsewhere for another variation of general
- panel mapping.
- Squares.col - matching decal for above.
- After unarchiving, place ALL the above files into a new drawer, some-
- thing like ":TOASTER/3D/OBJECTS/SPACE/B5." This is the default dir-
- ectory structure defined in the scene file and where LightWave will
- want to look for these files.
- To make the station rotate, ROTATE _ONLY_ MIDSECTN.LWO! ALL OTHER
- TIRE Station. At this time, the pivot center for the Station is in
- the center of sphere 1.
- It took approximately 120 hours over a three week period to construct
- just the model's wireframes and another 40 - 50 hrs over two weeks to
- create and map the 11 images and do the polygon debugging/tweeking.
- This model is my MOST complex to date and probably the last one that
- will be so complex. Have fun picking it apart, finding out how it all
- went together.
- Thanks to all those who helped out indirectly by answering my many
- questions about doing neat stuff in LW. Specifically noted are: Ron
- Kramer and his fine job moderating the Fidonet Toaster/Lightwave e-
- mail echo AND sysop'ing Obstacle Illusion BBS; Ronnie Norwood and
- Manuel Coats, aspiring LW'er like myself; Dan Bloomfield, who knows a
- lot; and hordes of others who frequent the echo and the Internet LW
- mailing list and have knowingly and unknowingly illuminated my learn-
- ing curve's path! Blessings in all that you do.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- For more infomation, you can contact
- me by via snail-mail at:
- Dean A. Scott
- 2043 Hillsdale Dr.
- Davison, MI 48423-2313
- ... via FidoNet e-mail at: Dean Scott, 1:2240/130.1
- ... or Internet e-mail at: DScott5663@aol.com
- =====================================================================
- =====================================================================
- This archive is being distributed as FREEWARE, meaning I hold the
- copyright to my work, but am allowing others to use it without charge
- so long as ownership CREDIT is noted in productions/animations using
- the contents of this archive.
- None of the contents of this archive have originated nor have been
- obtained from Babylonian Productions, Inc., Foundation Imaging, Para-
- mount, or Warner Bros. They are thus released from liability for
- damages, tangible or intangible, arising from the use and distribu-
- tion of this archive.
- Creation of this model was strictly as an educational challeng/excer-
- size for personal non-profit use and is NOT intended to infringe upon
- any original material or concept copyright held by the above named
- This document MUST accompany the distribution of this archive.
- This archive MUST remain UNALTERED during distribution.
- THIS archive is to SUPERCEDE all other PREVIOUS versions of the
- author's work. DO NOT ACCEPT IMITATIONS!
- With all said and done, users are free to modify these files for PER-
- SONAL use, but are NOT permitted to re-distribute THIS or any NEW ar-
- chive containing such modified data without the author's written per-
- mission, either via snail- or e-mail, per the above addresses.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Babylon 5 - The Station, Freeware Copyright 1995, Dean A. Scott.
- "Babylon 5" Copyright 1992-1995, Babylonian Productions, Inc.